
I've been waiting for a Heron to re-appear when I'm out with my camera.
Took some pics last time, here's one of it in flight.
Beautiful bird, but bad lighting so the picture is not so good, a little bit of an action shot - should have upped the ISO.
I've seen a Heron three times now around Uppermill in as many years.
I'm told that Roaches Lock is the place to find them so one day I'll go take a look with my camera.
Maybe not my ideal tall bird with long legs.
I am interested in your pictures - the one of the heron I have enhanced a little.
If you would like to see it email me a secure address that I can send it to you on.
How powerful was your torch when taking the night pictures.
Thanks for your comments!
The torch is just a regular 3 D cell Maglite
Long exposure time 15/30 seconds meant that painting over the same spot made it quite bright.
Post production adjustment of the brightness and contrast helped too!
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