This is what home is all about

Ahh, I love the weekends - after a busy week at work - a few days business in Vienna (yep, Austria - International giggolo that I am, but it meant nothing to me) It's really nice to click those ruby slippers and get back home to a loving wife, dogs, a warm fire and surroundings that you know really well and feel comfortable with.
Fun as other places are to visit, there's nothing quite like getting out on a Saturday afteroon, walking along the canal, starting through packs of tourists feeding beercans to the ducks - see the pic

(Try saying "beercan" without sounding like a Jamaican person saying "bacon")
OK, they probably weren't really feeding it to the ducks, though no doubt the ducks would be up for it anyway, much like the dogs - they really do seem to eat anything you throw to them.
So where was I? - Oh yes, leaving the bustling village, and people eating Buckley's pies, then working your way out to the peaceful countryside, it really puts things into perspective.

As the sun is just beginning to set, you turn round for home - a glorious golden colour fills the sky and reflects off the rippling water as a lonesome duck comes to join you - sorry mate, I'm fresh out of beercans!
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