Tuesday, December 13, 2005

I love digital photography

The cool thing about digital cameras is that you can take a million pictures of the same thing, all slightly different and pick the best one.

Earlier this year I was out walking the dogs one evening and happened to notice a bird high in the branches of a tree with the moon in the background and the last traces of a pink sunset.

A few careful steps to the left a bit and back a bit (could have ended with a sploosh in the canal!)
This was a difficult picture - maximum zoom of 300mm, dark, with a slow shutter speed, Rufus and Ava jumping up at me to try and get some attention didn't help either!
Firing off 30+ shots in the hope that I managed to hold the camera enough for one of them to be non-blurry, this one is the best of the bunch.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great shot. The Raven ?

2:57 pm, December 15, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love this photo honey....

5:42 pm, December 15, 2005  

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